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Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Sunday night Cale says he wants to build a workbench in the garage and I shocked him and said OK...he spends the next while trying to figure out how he make it with what's laying around.  This is what he came up with...

After we finished I went inside but could hear him banging around...I wanted to go see what he was up too but thought I'd not, nag, as he would say.  Just as I was getting ready to get him he came to get me...I have something to show you momba...I walk out and he had made me a sign and screwed it to the wall above the workbench.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

5x7 Folded Card

Oh What Fun Christmas Card
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Monday, June 11, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

Stuck on week 5

So I've been stuck on week 5 for about 2 weeks.  Can't seem to get it.  I let life get in the way of getting to the gym for a few days then the run is really hard.

On a brighter note from 5/1/12 to 6/7/12 I lost 16 lbs and 2.7 from my ugly BMI number:)  I'm doing the happy dance right now!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Week 5, Day 1

It's been 6 days and a trip to the beach with some friends so today was rough but I finished.

26 minutes = 1.90 miles

Friday, May 25, 2012

Week 4, Day 3

Holly Cow...today was hard - maybe because I ate a big lunch?  I don't know but I felt nauseous all the way home and for about 30 minutes after I got home.

26 minutes = 1.94 miles

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Week 4, Day 2

25 minutes = 1.92 miles
Well, I still had to take a break at the end but I went a little further:)  Maybe on day 3 I won't have to stop!

Also, I have lost 11 lbs since I started and my calves are looking nice - If I don't say so myself (:

Week 4, Day 1

25 minutes = 1.87 miles

Today was HARD.  I had to take a break at the end to catch my breath!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Week 3, Day 3

I don't feel like i've improved my distance any but am able to jog 3 minutes at a time.   25 min = 1.73 miles

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Run, Lauren run...

Ohh... how I would love to be a runner.  This morning I completed week 1 of a couch potato to 5K program and it's going well.  My shins started hurting today but I iced them down so hopefully by Thursday they are good so I can start week 2:)

Sunday, January 22, 2012